A building block for skin health, science-backed Vitamin C is known to lighten dark spots, smooth skin texture and plump out both fine and coarse wrinkles. Vitamin C also acts as a protective seal between your skin and harmful sun rays + free radicals due to its antioxidant nature - making it both an offensive and defensive anti-ager.
Hyaluronic acid is a cosmetic active ingredient that can naturally benefit all skin types. As an antioxidant it protects the skin, and its moisturizing power maintains hydration and improves skin elasticity.
If a first aid kit existed for your skin, vitamin E would be in it. The active’s ability to strengthen the skin’s barrier and cellular restoration makes it a go-to ingredient for a plumper, more supple complexion. This glow-getter is choc-full of the antioxidant properties your skin craves, making it a powerful solution to skin damage, scarring, and hyperpigmentation.